Welcome back to Jurassic Park.Following the events of the iconic 1993 film, you are invited to return to the island where it all began. Reclaim the park from di...
The Elder Scrolls V has arrived in a new form, this time you can be part of Tamriel's epic world and you can see it with your own eyes. Bethesda Game Studios ta...
Warlords will include new civilizations, leaders, units, and wonders that will provide players with even more fun and exciting ways to expand the military power...
In this video game adaptation of the Disney Pixar Cars movie, you start as Fulger McQueen, a novice racing driver who wants to gain fame and fortune at the Pist...
When the democratic government of Isla Trueno is overthrown, an aggressive and hostile military command rises to power.A well-trained special operations unit is...
Hatred is a violent and malicious action game developed by Destructive Creations.Immerse yourself in the antagonistic role of a hateful, twisted and rotten figu...
We are in the year 3025, and the galaxy is caught in a cycle of perpetual war, carried by noble houses with huge, mechanized combat vehicles, called BattleMechs...
The Viking Forefathers culture package adds Norsemen as a new playable culture in Total War: ATTILA.These factions can be used in single or multiplayer campaign...
After Lincoln Clay's surrogate family, the black mafia, is betrayed and killed by the Italian mafia, Lincoln builds a new family and cuts a path of revenge thro...
Prepare for dark curses and flesh made of mud and rot if you dare to enter the Backwater Swamp and live through the horror it brings.A new killer, The Hag is wa...
You are the unlit one.Travel to the snowy world of Ariandel and meet new areas, bosses, enemies, weapons, armor sets, magic spells and more......
The game features new single-player combat modes, which take players from fighting extreme tanks to stealth sniper missions. Commanders can now face opponents o...
He escapes the harsh bonds of the earth and sets out for heaven like a bold captain, a fearless gunner, or a cunning engineer. Raising the stakes of team-based ...
Explore new corners of the popular Endless Space strategy game with new features and a new faction in Endless Space 2 - Penumbra.You will be able to experience ...
The Conan universe is full of dangers, as well as some of the most dangerous warriors ever to appear in fiction.Many tried to bring Hyberion's world to life, bu...
X3: Albion Prelude is the latest game in the X3 space game series.Trade, fight, build, think in a living and breathable universe. X3: Albion Prelude is played i...